This post is inspired by Mackenzie Horan of Design Darling, who created her own 101 in 1001 list! As she said, it’s a happy medium between a to-do list and a bucket list. This list is to be completed November 22, 2018, or 2.75 years. After that I’ll create a new list! I’ve had this draft in the works for a long while, since junior year of high school, and it was interesting to see some of the things on my list that I wanted to do that I’ve since achieved only in my first semester of college.
- Complete all 101 items.
- Have a picnic
Go to an FCKC game(April 16th, 2016)- Purchase a domain
- Get registered to belay at the rec
- Drink 64oz of water every day for at least one week
- Join a youth group on campus
- Make ten recipes off Pinterest
- Read at least thirty new books
- Find the perfect way to curl my short hair
- Keep up with a solid editorial calendar for at least a month
- Donate blood
- Save $25 out of every paycheck for a year
- Do yoga every day for a week
- Collaborate with a brand that I love
- Find a devotional and read a chapter each week
- Make a video documenting every single day for a month
- Have a filing system for my college classes
Design a solid resume(April 4th, 2016)- Hit 10,000 Fitbit steps every day for a month
- Finish an entire scrapbook
- Apply for five scholarships
- Take a self-portrait every day for two weeks
- Find a signature scent
- Go on a road trip
- Do a thirty-day photo challenge
- Take care of a plant all the way up until it blooms
- Finish my San Francisco video
- Do five random acts of kindness in a day
- Try sun butter
- Sew a skirt
- Hit 100 balls successfully at the golf course
- Buy flowers for myself
- Reach 1,000 followers on Twitter
- Intern for a company either online or in real life
- Become a campus ambassador
- Visit one of my friends at a different college
- Make a tassel garland
- Read ten nonfiction books
- Go to sleep at 8:30 every night for a week
- Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator
- Throw a surprise party for someone
- Take a Skillshare class
- Have a Spoon University post go viral
- Journal every night for a month
- Go on a spring break with friends
- Take photos for the Lawrence Humane Society for their social media
- Get 100 service hours in a year
- Go to every KU football game in a season
- Learn how to cook a signature dish
- Score in intramural outdoor soccer
- Reach 1,000 Instagram followers
- Take my brother to a KU basketball game
- Try cutting out added sugar for a week
- Leave a 100% tip
- Finish all Codecademy courses
- Learn how to use a film camera
- Call my grandparents at least once a month if I don’t see them in person
- Go without social media for a week
- Be an adoption ambassador for Lawrence Humane and get at least 5 dogs adopted
Run a 5k(April 24th, 2016)- Find a solid workout routine
- Go to the ballet
- Go skiing
- Make a stop motion video at least a minute long
- Take a cooking class
- Visit 10 new cities
- Study abroad
- Put away $10 in a savings fund each time I check something off the list
- Reach a $100 payout on Redbubble
- Get a 4.0 GPA
- Finish Mad Men
- Join ad club or marketing club
- Dress nice for a week (i.e. no leggings/tennis shoes)
- Rock climb at the rec once a week for a month
- Get a signet ring for my pinky
- Apply for the Amazing Race (or at least have an application ready for when I’m 21!)
- Visit one of my friends in their hometown over break
- Go to a Kansas City away game (Royals/Sporting/FCKC)
- Go blueberry picking again
- Design a media kit for my blog
- Do a film/photo essay with my sorority on defeating stereotypes
Go back to Dallas to see my grandparents(May 22nd, 2016)- Go horseback riding
- Develop my own version of a capsule wardrobe and use it for 3 weeks
- Create my own font
- Get a position in my sorority that I love
- Purchase pointed heels/flats
- Redesign my sorority chapter’s website
- Go to a concert at the Granada
- Finish giving away my deck of Sneaky Cards
- Use my DesignLoveFest gift card on a really cool painting
- Go to a drive-in movie
- Upgrade my phone
- Try a workout class
- Go at least 10 Royals games
- Sit in the Blue Hell at a Sporting Game
- Try Glace ice cream from Christopher Elbow
- Host a friendsgiving
- Clean out my closet using Poshmark