How to Stay Organized In High School

As a senior in my second semester of high school (two months and twenty-six days as of today!), I feel confident that I know how to stay organized and on track. On most days, that is. I’ve rounded up five tips here on what works for me!

How to Stay Organized in High School

Make to-do lists.

I use my Kate Spade agenda in the medium size with the Bella Bookshelf print every single day. When there’s five or ten minutes left in each class, I take it out and write down my assignments for that class. That serves as my to-do list for the night and I’ll write other small things to do as well, like write a post for the blog. I use the app on my Android, but I love using the web version as well! I organize my to-do list into three categories: School, Blog, and Personal. This app is great because you can assign a due date for each task, color code them, etc. You can share lists with other people and in the premium version you can collaborate with other people on lists, which could be handy for group projects.

Use the Pomodoro technique.

This has been a game-changer for me lately and I wish I would have discovered it sooner! This technique is a way of teaching yourself discipline when studying and encourages you to get things done more efficiently. This article on Lifehacker explains it more in detail, but it’s a simple tactic. You work for 25 minutes straight, then take a five minute break. After four sessions of working for 25 minutes, then you can take a longer break, usually between 15-30 minutes. I use the Tomato Timer to track my time. I used to have an app on my phone, but every time I went to start the next timer I’d get distracted by another notification, so this is a good alternative. I feel like this has increased my productivity by a ridiculous amount!

Live by your syllabus.

In the first week or so of school, most teachers will hand out a syllabus, or a list of due dates throughout the year. Some teachers do it for the quarter, or for the semester. When I get my syllabus, I write all my due dates for big projects, quizzes, and tests in my agenda. This helps me stay on top of studying in advance. It’d be helpful to write this out on a monthly desk calendar as well, but I currently use my calendar for scholarship due dates.

Teach the tricky topics.

If you’re having trouble with a certain topic, teach it to someone else! I usually ending up explaining the topic to my dogs because my family doesn’t want to listen about codominant and incomplete genetics, but hey, whatever works. Before our last final, my biology teacher had us split into groups and pick a topic that we were unsure on and then teach it to the class. Afterwards, I felt confident on the topic that we had taught. Teaching a topic requires you to know all the little details to answer questions and explain the general idea, so this one works for sure.

Talk to your teacher.

This one may seem obvious, but I can’t stress this enough! Sophomore year, I was in Honors Pre-Calculus and math has never been my strong suit. I would go in every morning before class and have my teacher work me through an example of a problem that I was having trouble with. Being able to break it down into smaller steps usually helps me understand. For math, I take an example and break it up into every tiny step and write the calculator commands or the written explanation of each step off to the side. This has helped me a ton. I’ve also found that if you go in and ask questions of your teacher, they usually tend to favor you more and will be friendlier in class.

If you’re in college, check out my updated post for more tips and tricks that you can also use for high school!

I hope you found these tips helpful! Thanks for reading!

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Pottery Barn Teen Study Supplies

I’m a big fan of PB Teen in general, but I’m especially a fan of their study supplies. This post is a follow-up to my post on dorm items from PB Teen–you should read that after this!

Printed Desk Accessories

This desk accessory set in pool blue with white trim would be great for keeping my desk organized. Since I already have a busy bedspread, keeping things neutral on my desk is the way to go. The scalloped wire set would also add the perfect feminine touch.

Flip-Out Lap Desk

 After seeing this flip-out lap desk on Kate’s blog, I thought it was a great idea. I use lap desks when working at home and the ability to make it flip out is perfect. My posture is often slacking when I’m writing in bed and I slump like nobody’s business, but this would force me to sit up like I should!

Dry-Erase Calendar Decal

Getting organized in college is a must, so this dry-erase calendar decal would be perfect for staying on top of things. I love the amount of space to write whatever you want. If I had more space in the dorm, I’d opt towards the Peyton set in pool blue that comes with a dry-erase calendar, two pinboards, a caddy, and an open cube. When I was younger, I used to go on the PB Teen website and design my own systems. Any of these organization systems are perfect too for someone with a big amount of space!

penn task lamp

College will call for some late nights…of studying, of course. This Penn task lamp in pool, navy, or white would be so helpful for keeping me on track and awake.

Thanks for reading! If you love Pottery Barn Teen as much as I do, tell me in the comments your favorite product! Don’t forget to read the first part of my post here.

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Pottery Barn Teen Dorm Roundup

As a senior and soon-to-be college freshman, I’ve already started planning for my dorm room. I’ll be living in a suite, but my current task is focused on the smaller room I’ll share with one of my closest friends. I’ve been a fan of Pottery Barn Teen for forever and it was my first place to look!

bedding peyton

I got the Peyton Duvet for my bed.


My roommate got the Ikat Medallion for hers.


These lattice pillow covers are adorable! The grey or the pink would be my pick to complement the navy.


I’m going to be rushing for a sorority at my college, so one of these monogrammed Greek letter pillows in the pink or turquoise polka dot would be perfect to represent my letters.


Once it gets cold–and it definitely can get freezing in Kansas–a blanket will be my first choice to keep me warm at night. And let’s face it, the throw in pool blue will most likely be accompanying my shoulders when I’m in the dorm no matter what time of day. Can you see a color scheme forming yet? 😉

rolling cart

Because the dorms are small, I’m going to have to store things up on top of each other. This rolling cart in the mini dot pool would be great for storing shoes, out-of-season jackets, and other items that just need to be kept out of clutter.

monogram decal

This monogram decal in navy would be great to personalize the dorm just a little bit more and make it feel more like a home.

Pottery Barn Teen has a great selection of items for any dorm. This was not sponsored by them, but I clearly love their products! Stay tuned for what’s next to come in this series: desk and study supplies from PB Teen.

Thanks for reading!

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