I’ll be honest, I was never really a true ’90s kid, given that I was born in 1997 and I’m the oldest sibling. I wasn’t high on fashion, either: I don’t think I owned a lot of Justice or Miss Me jeans. When the choker trend came back around, I kind of rolled my eyes and let it go, thinking it didn’t fit my style. But after going to Kansas City last weekend with friends to see Ben Rector in concert (highly recommend), I was swayed.

I tried the choker on in the store, already having had the gold necklace on, and was surprised at how good it actually looked! It definitely took some getting used to something so tight and close to my neck, but it didn’t feel weird by the end of the night. My friend told me that my look went from preppy to edgy just with this one statement piece…hey, I’ll take it!

You can’t see in this picture, but I’ve definitely hopped on the Adidas Superstar trend..I’ve been wearing the white leather sneakers almost every day since wearing them. They’re so much more comfortable than Converse.
Along with the choker, the second 90s trend I hopped back on was the button-front skirt. This red corduroy version is perfect for gamedays (honestly, if I didn’t religiously wear my jersey every Saturday, this would be my go-to gameday outfit.

choker (similar) // similar necklace // earrings (similar) // shirt // skirt // shoes (similar)
photos by Jordan Cronan
What 90s trend have you been loving again?
xo, Hannah