New Year’s Goals, Not Resolutions

Every year I hear people talking about their New Year’s resolutions, but I never hear people talking about them in terms of goal-planning. Instead of setting resolutions that you’ll most likely forget about by February, set goals instead! Goals that are achievable, trackable, and have a timeline or set schedule are ones that tend to be more effective. I’m a competitive person, so if I were to pick any of these goals below (especially exercise) then I’d definitely enlist a friend to help keep me accountable!

New Year's Goals


I know that almost everyone puts exercise on their New Year’s resolution list, so I had to include this one! This is perfect for the person that doesn’t know where to start or doesn’t want to head to the gym in busy January.

Nike Training Club is my favorite app to use for workout plans that are fast and effective. I tend to get bored with long reps of several workouts, but this uses short, quick bursts of repetition instead. This workout includes a warm-up and cool-down as well, so it’s perfect for the beginner that doesn’t know how to compile the ‘perfect workout routine.’

They even have bodyweight workouts if you don’t have any equipment. It’s a free app that you can take literally anywhere. I’ve been using it for a few years now and still return to it when I’m in an exercise rut.

Improve a skill

Whether it’s something creative or something technical, working on improving a skill is a goal that’s definitely attainable and trackable. Personally, I plan on doing something that’s creative every day. Whether it’s hand-lettering, sketching, or photography, I’m going to put it all in one sketchbook so I can look back and see my progress throughout the year.

Doing a 365 project can seem daunting, so even if you minimized it to doing 2 creative things weekly, there’s still enough material to track progress. Be sure to document your skill to see your improvement at the end of the year!


I’m the worst at drinking water, but once I got a Hydroflask for my birthday it helped me start the habit of regular hydration. I think that buying a cute water bottle- especially one that keeps your water cold for 24 hours -is one of the most effective ways to start drinking water regularly.

I carry this water bottle around with me at school and don’t have any other cups in my bedroom, so refilling this is a must! A S’well water bottle is a super trendy option if you’re wanting to go for function and fashion.

If you need an extra reminder, the app Plant Nanny has a virtual plant that either grows or dies depending on how much water you drink. It’s essentially a water tracker but seeing your plant die adds some extra guilt and motivation to keep drinking.

Giving back

The holiday season spurs a mentality of giving back, but this is something that can absolutely last all year long! There are so many ways to give back in your community with an organization that you love.

If you’re in college, there’s most likely an organization at your campus that facilitates volunteer coordination around your community. My sorority requires volunteer hours (which I love), so this semester I volunteered as a kindergarten soccer coach with my college town’s Parks and Rec department. In the past, I also volunteered as a dog-walker with the Lawrence Humane Society, which was an easy way to give back.

There are so many options around your community to give back! If you Google for a cause that you’re passionate about, then add your location, you’re sure to find results for nonprofits or organizations that would love your help.

What’s your New Year’s goal for 2017?

xo, Hannah

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2016 Year in Review

2016 ended my freshman year of college successfully and kickstarted my sophomore year. Here’s a recap of my favorite moments from each month, with my 2016 year in review!


-I started the second semester of my freshman year and felt more at home than ever at the University of Kansas

-I got to witness one of the best games in college basketball (in Allen Fieldhouse!) with KU beating Oklahoma 109-106 in triple overtime


-I got to meet Jay Bilas at College Gameday (thanks Dayton!) and made a video and blog post recapping the experience



-I went to Snow Creek for a sisterhood event with my sorority

-I had the official launch party for Spoon University, a food blog that I was the editorial director of until July


-I attended several basketball games



-I got accepted to KU’s graphic design program (even after making the application literally a day before the due date)

– My roommate Jordan and I took our friend Kelsey to her first Sporting KC game


-I made a video about my relationship with my mom in ADPi

-I celebrated Easter with my family



-I went to my first sorority formal


-I posted about my freshman year dorm room


-I ran my first 5K



-I rebranded my blog (and spoiler, it’ll be happening again next year)

-I survived my first year of college!


-I went to Dallas on family vacation

-I attended my first USMNT soccer game



-I got to return to one of my favorite places on earth (summer camp) as a counselor for the first time!


-I wrote a blog series about sorority recruitment 


-I celebrated the 4th of July, my favorite holiday


-I started making my monthly recap videos 

-I did my first ‘adventure hunt’ with my parents and got hooked…I’ve done three total this year!


-Second adventure hunt with my parents and roommate Jordan


-I went to my first USWNT soccer game (and it was way more entertaining than the men’s game…)


-I celebrated my 19th birthday!



-I photographed my second wedding

-I returned to KU for sorority recruitment, on the other side this time…


-…and I made it to bid day!


-I started my second year at the University of Kansas


-the KU football season started again


-I made my September recap video

-I got my awesome little, Emily (see any resemblance?)



-I went to Mallard ball, an ADPi date party


-I collaborated with one of my favorite photo printing companies

-Brad Paisley came to KU and gave a free concert


-My sorority won homecoming!


-I went to my first Ben Rector concert

-I made my October recap video


-I got to witness KU beat Texas in football and it was glorious


-I had Thanksgiving with my family


-I made my November recap video


-I moved one room down, from 3 to 5 in ADPi

-I finished my first semester of sophomore year

-I visited Boulder, CO with Jordan and my friend Jayden (who lives there)!


-I celebrated Christmas with my family (excuse the look on my black dog’s face haha)



Overall, I had a great 2016 and can’t wait for more!

xo, Hannah

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Summer Bucket List

Now that summer is officially here, I put together a summer bucket list to make sure I get the most of my time away from school. Of course, I’ll still be working, but that doesn’t mean I have no time off! I’ll be blogging about some of these summer adventures along the way as well.

summer bucket list | Hannah With a Camera

image via *

Design more stickers for Redbubble. 

My Redbubble account that I opened this spring has made way more than I ever thought it would! It’s fun to design some things when I’m feeling creative every week or so and I’d like to dedicate more of my time to creating. Check it out if you want!

Go to a Royals game.

Ever since the Royals won the World Series, KC has been more dedicated than ever to their team. The atmosphere is so fun to head out and enjoy.

Find a new donut shop. 

I’ve got my eye on the Doughnut Lounge in Kansas City. I’d love to try their s’mores donut!

Go kayaking. 

I haven’t been able to go out and kayak since Girl Scout camp (too long ago..) so I want to make it out to one of my local parks to rent a kayak for an hour.

Read 20 books. 

I missed reading for fun and it’s cool to pick it back up. I’ve read seven books already (thanks to a road trip knocking out three of those) so I don’t think this will be an issue at all. I’ve found that Goodreads is a great place to find recommendations.

Make watermelon granita. 

Bon Appetit has this recipe that looks so simple but delicious! Definitely an upgrade from your normal slushies.

Visit the fountains in Kansas City. 

Kansas City is known as the ‘city of fountains’ and while I know it definitely lives up to its name, I want to go out and explore all of the fountains the city has to offer.

Go to an FC Kansas City game. 

FC Kansas City is our women’s soccer team here and they have several national players on their team. While I’d love to put going to a women’s national soccer game on my list, they don’t come by KC often (though I did see the men’s game recently)!

Do a 30 day photo challenge. 

I’ve been wanting to do one of these for forever but I usually make it a week before I give up. I’d love to try to improve my photography this way and just take photos of my daily life, even if some days seem mundane.

Go to the farmer’s market. 

The River Market in Kansas City or the Overland Park Farmer’s Market are both on my list. I think that it’s interesting to go around and see all the different vendors and the way they market their products (can you tell I’m a branding junkie?).

Watch all the Harry Potter movies in order.

I’ve committed my mom to doing this one with me! We decided on doing one movie a day instead of all of them at once. Wish us luck that we make it all the way through!

Run 80 miles. 

Not all at once!! I recently started running around March to train myself for a 5k in April. I restarted the Couch to 5k program (which I used originally and loved) this summer to keep myself in shape. I’d love to run a half-marathon one day, but that’ll take me way more time and commitment to work on. I’m 5 miles in so far…75 to go!

See three new movies.

Being at school limits my ability to go to the movies by a ton. There’s only one theater in Lawrence, and it’s definitely not the best. This summer I’ve already seen Me Before You (I’m jealous of Louisa’s wardrobe) and I want to see Finding Dory, The Secret Life of Pets, and Neighbors 2 as well.

What’s on your summer bucket list?

xo, Hannah

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The Everlasting Road Trip

Last weekend, my family and I went on a road trip down to Dallas, TX and made some stops along the way! Our first stop was in Stillwater, Texas, home of Oklahoma State University. I can see the appeal–the campus was gorgeous. We stopped at Eskimo Joe’s for a quick lunch.



Then we kept going down to Roanoke, Texas (population 6,400) to visit my grandparents. We had to go to my all-time favorite place to eat there, Babe’s. If you live in the Dallas area and haven’t been there, you’re missing out! When you order, all they ask is if you want chicken or chicken-fried steak, and then they bring out your choice and a ton of sides. Biscuits, creamed corn, mashed potatoes, you name it, they’ve got it. Helpful hint, though: always be sure to split your order in half. We accidentally ordered four portions and they brought out a huge platter of chicken, half of which we ended up taking home. Don’t stuff yourself when you can save some for later!




After eating at Babe’s, we headed down through Fort Worth and hit up Steel City Pops. The first time I had this was in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and I couldn’t miss the opportunity to have it again! I had the strawberry lemonade and my mom had the coconut. The best thing about Steel City’s popsicles is that they’re not overly icy or just strawberry lemonade poured into the molds. They have creamy pops too (i.e. the coconut) and they’re absolutely amazing. I had a cookie pop (chocolate brownie) in Alabama and it was a flattened brownie inside a chocolate fudgesicle. Could that combination be any better?



Once we finally made our way down to Waco, Texas, we walked around Baylor Univeristy’s campus. Long story short, it was way too spread out for a very hot place, but it’s always interesting to see other college campuses.


I put together this video of our trip for my family to look back on. Let me know in the comments below if you know the place featured in the last part of the video–a post will be up next week all about it!

xo, Hannah

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100 in 1001

This post is inspired by Mackenzie Horan of Design Darling, who created her own 101 in 1001 list! As she said, it’s a happy medium between a to-do list and a bucket list. This list is to be completed November 22, 2018, or 2.75 years. After that I’ll create a new list! I’ve had this draft in the works for a long while, since junior year of high school, and it was interesting to see some of the things on my list that I wanted to do that I’ve since achieved only in my first semester of college.

  1. Complete all 101 items.
  2. Have a picnic
  3. Go to an FCKC game (April 16th, 2016)
  4. Purchase a domain
  5. Get registered to belay at the rec
  6. Drink 64oz of water every day for at least one week
  7. Join a youth group on campus
  8. Make ten recipes off Pinterest
  9. Read at least thirty new books
  10. Find the perfect way to curl my short hair
  11. Keep up with a solid editorial calendar for at least a month
  12. Donate blood
  13. Save $25 out of every paycheck for a year
  14. Do yoga every day for a week
  15. Collaborate with a brand that I love
  16. Find a devotional and read a chapter each week
  17. Make a video documenting every single day for a month
  18. Have a filing system for my college classes
  19. Design a solid resume (April 4th, 2016)
  20. Hit 10,000 Fitbit steps every day for a month
  21. Finish an entire scrapbook
  22. Apply for five scholarships
  23. Take a self-portrait every day for two weeks
  24. Find a signature scent
  25. Go on a road trip
  26. Do a thirty-day photo challenge
  27. Take care of a plant all the way up until it blooms
  28. Finish my San Francisco video
  29. Do five random acts of kindness in a day
  30. Try sun butter
  31. Sew a skirt
  32. Hit 100 balls successfully at the golf course
  33. Buy flowers for myself
  34. Reach 1,000 followers on Twitter
  35. Intern for a company either online or in real life
  36. Become a campus ambassador
  37. Visit one of my friends at a different college
  38. Make a tassel garland
  39. Read ten nonfiction books
  40. Go to sleep at 8:30 every night for a week
  41. Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator
  42. Throw a surprise party for someone
  43. Take a Skillshare class
  44. Have a Spoon University post go viral
  45. Journal every night for a month
  46. Go on a spring break with friends
  47. Take photos for the Lawrence Humane Society for their social media
  48. Get 100 service hours in a year
  49. Go to every KU football game in a season
  50. Learn how to cook a signature dish
  51. Score in intramural outdoor soccer
  52. Reach 1,000 Instagram followers
  53. Take my brother to a KU basketball game
  54. Try cutting out added sugar for a week
  55. Leave a 100% tip
  56. Finish all Codecademy courses
  57. Learn how to use a film camera
  58. Call my grandparents at least once a month if I don’t see them in person
  59. Go without social media for a week
  60. Be an adoption ambassador for Lawrence Humane and get at least 5 dogs adopted
  61. Run a 5k (April 24th, 2016)
  62. Find a solid workout routine
  63. Go to the ballet
  64. Go skiing
  65. Make a stop motion video at least a minute long
  66. Take a cooking class
  67. Visit 10 new cities
  68. Study abroad
  69. Put away $10 in a savings fund each time I check something off the list
  70. Reach a $100 payout on Redbubble
  71. Get a 4.0 GPA
  72. Finish Mad Men
  73. Join ad club or marketing club
  74. Dress nice for a week (i.e. no leggings/tennis shoes)
  75. Rock climb at the rec once a week for a month
  76. Get a signet ring for my pinky
  77. Apply for the Amazing Race (or at least have an application ready for when I’m 21!)
  78. Visit one of my friends in their hometown over break
  79. Go to a Kansas City away game (Royals/Sporting/FCKC)
  80. Go blueberry picking again
  81. Design a media kit for my blog
  82. Do a film/photo essay with my sorority on defeating stereotypes
  83. Go back to Dallas to see my grandparents (May 22nd, 2016)
  84. Go horseback riding
  85. Develop my own version of a capsule wardrobe and use it for 3 weeks
  86. Create my own font
  87. Get a position in my sorority that I love
  88. Purchase pointed heels/flats
  89. Redesign my sorority chapter’s website
  90. Go to a concert at the Granada
  91. Finish giving away my deck of Sneaky Cards
  92. Use my DesignLoveFest gift card on a really cool painting
  93. Go to a drive-in movie
  94. Upgrade my phone
  95. Try a workout class
  96. Go at least 10 Royals games
  97. Sit in the Blue Hell at a Sporting Game
  98. Try Glace ice cream from Christopher Elbow
  99. Host a friendsgiving
  100. Clean out my closet using Poshmark
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2016, year of grateful


adjective grate·ful ˈgrāt-fəl

feeling or showing thanks : feeling or showing thanks to someone for some helpful act

As I’m a little over 2 weeks into the new year, I’ve thought of several different resolutions that I could take up, or ways I could make 2016 the “best year yet.” I’ve decided that labeling 2016 as the year of grateful is a good way to do that. In 2015, and several previous years, I’ve always just gone through life not really acknowledging all that I have and all that I’m blessed with. I haven’t recognized how great the opportunities are that I’ve had and will have, and now’s the time to be grateful, to say thank you.

I found this comic below through Facebook originally and instantly related to it. I know I’m definitely the ‘sorry’ type of person and I tend to apologize for things that don’t need a real apology, just a thank you instead.

While it could also be seen as a resolution, I plan on trying to journal my thoughts each night and evaluate my gratefulness. Even if I feel like I have an awful day, there’s probably a friend in there that simply took the time to say hi to me, or a great meal at ADPi, or a good grade that can let me go to sleep a happier person.

xo Hannah

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#LifeHackToBoredom with Nestlé® Crunch® Chocolate Truffles

While attempting to write this recipe, I realized something very important: my mom has way too many recipes in her head that I’ve never tried to make–and that aren’t written down. This marks the beginning of an attempt to compile all my family’s favorite eats into a place I’ll be able to find in the future (the internet). That being said, I’m not a professional anything, and I don’t claim to know all that’s going on with this recipe. If you have questions, ask, but this is the kind of recipe that requires “a pinch of this” or a “pinch of that.”

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

This has been in my family for a while and it’s a staple at family get-togethers. I’ve seen my mom make this treat several times, but this is the first time I’ve watched with the intent of learning the recipe for myself. However, this new recipe contains a fun twist to break up the boredom: a Nestlé® Crunch® topping. (P.S. Read all the way to the bottom to see a special giveaway!)

The best part about these truffles is that they’re easy to store and a treat that you can take on the go. I keep them in my dorm room mini-fridge right now and can pop a bite-sized piece in my mouth as a simple way to add a little joy to my mundane class routine. As a college student living a five-minute walk to my dining hall, I have to resist eating unhealthy foods all the time! But Nestlé® Crunch® is the perfect dessert for me, seeing as it’s made with real milk chocolate and no artificial colors or flavors. The mini bars are great to tuck in my backpack or even slip in a friend’s backpack as a small treat to make them smile.

There are several different ways you can break up the boredom in your life: by liking Nestlé® Crunch® on Facebook, posting a photo to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #LifeHackToBoredom, or by making your own Nestlé® Crunch® truffles!

Start by crumbling the package of cookies in a food processor. Afterwards, combine with cream cheese and stir well.

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

Once you’ve chilled the mixture, form the mix into small balls and place on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper.

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

Start melting the chocolate using the double boiler method. While the chocolate melts, begin chopping up the Nestlé® Crunch® bars for your topping!

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

Once the chocolate is completely melted, begin dipping the balls into the chocolate. Make sure they’re completely covered.

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

Have a friend to help you put the topping on as quickly as possible before the chocolate sets.

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

Place the truffles back into the fridge to cool and harden. While you’re waiting, lick the spoon and have another Nestlé® Crunch® while you’re at it 🙂

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

Now you have the perfect on-the-go treat!

Nestlé® Crunch® chocolate truffles are the way to go! Read on for the recipe:

-one block (4oz) of cream cheese
-one package of chocolate wafer cookies
-one package (12oz) of semi-sweet chocolate chips
-5 mini Nestlé® Crunch® bars

1) Place the chocolate wafer cookies in a food processor until finely  crumbled.
2) Stir in one block of cream cheese and combine well.
3) Chill the mixture for about 45 minutes to an hour.
4) Form golf-ball sized balls from the mixture with your fingers, making sure the balls stick together. If the cream cheese was mixed in properly then it should work fine.
5) Start boiling water using the double-boiler method with two pots (water in the bottom, nothing on top)
6) Place balls on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper.
7) Place balls back in fridge while water heats up.
8) Once the water is boiling, pour the chocolate chips in the top pot. Watch carefully to make sure there is no burning.
9) After the chocolate is fully melted, use two spoons to hold a ball in between them, then dunk in the chocolate. Don’t worry about making them look perfect, it all tastes the same 🙂
10) After covering a ball with chocolate, apply the Nestlé® Crunch® topping. It works better to have two people doing this at once because the topping sticks better right after the chocolate is applied.
11) Let the balls set in the fridge.
12) Once set, enjoy! Store these in the fridge until ready to be eaten.

Below I’m giving away $20. You can use this to break up the monotony in your own life! Click the link below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Fitbit Healthy Habits: Week One Recap

If you haven’t read last week’s post yet here, read on!

Four weeks, a healthy habit every day. Take on the challenge with me.


 Meditate for ten minutes: this one was tricky. I’m always struggling with the whole ‘let go and relax’ concept, because I’m naturally used to always thinking. I think I lasted eight out of these ten minutes but it was definitely peaceful with the right music on! I put on Spotify’s Piano Moods playlist and the first song that came up was “The Twins (Prague)” by Max Richter. I used what’s called the ‘tensing method’ to meditate, starting by tensing the muscles in my toes and working muscle by muscle all the way up to my head. Not sure if this helped me fall asleep faster though, like it was supposed to.

Add an extra vegetable to your plate: I failed this one. It did motivate me to put lettuce on my ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, but I’m not really sure that counts.

Wake up earlier and get a head start to your day: I woke up earlier..but I fell back asleep. Failed this one too.

   Add 1,000 extra steps to your daily goal: I’ve recently lowered my step count to 8,000 with the intent of working back up to 10,000. fitbitI had written in my journal at about 3pm that I was going to fail this goal, but my competitive side came out. I walked to the golf course where I work in a vain attempt to at least get to 8,000, but that only pushed my step count up to 4,000. At 9:30 I turned on Netflix before going to bed, then realized I could be walking while watching it on my phone. I paced back and forth in my bedroom watching Netflix and reading articles appropriately titled, “I’m Addicted To My Fitbit.” Eventually I reached 9,000 steps. (Proof on the right.)

Go for a fifteen minute walk outside: I arrived at my church camp on Saturday, so this one was easy to accomplish. I walked up to Inspiration Point with my friends, a gorgeous place to worship at camp. It’s far enough away from the city that you can see all the stars and I took my camera and my tripod in an attempt to take pictures of the stars–this was the night that the Bethlehem star was supposed to be shining! While I didn’t see the Bethlehem star, I got this picture instead by opening my 50mm lens all the way up to f/1.8 and manually focusing to infinity. copyright 2015 Hannah With A Camera

Getting this photo was a total fluke. I just used a long shutter speed of 30 seconds and kept the camera steady on my tripod so no shake would happen. Once we got back to the cabin, I was looking through my photos and found this shooting star! This photo with the trees in it was way more interesting than the ones of just the sky. I definitely want to try more of these!

Stock up on healthy snacks: This was an essential before leaving for camp, a place where everyone usually ingests junk food and candy like it’s air. My friend Madie and I (remember her?) went to Target to buy snacks for our room and our small groups before, and I found these: Simply Balanced Dried Mango. These are SO GOOD and filling! This brand is great because normally I can’t have dried pre-packaged snacks due to my allergy to peanuts and tree nuts, but these worked perfectly.

Go to bed fifteen minutes earlier: Long story short, I spent most of this day in the hospital due to an unfortunate run-in with my allergy. So while I slept in my own bed that night and did go to bed earlier, it wasn’t because of this challenge. I’ll have a post up later on how serious this is, because some kids just don’t get it (and while I don’t expect anyone without an allergy to understand, there’s no harm in education).

Thanks for reading!

fixed monogram

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Fitbit Healthy Habits Challenge

I’ve never been great at the whole ‘being healthy’ thing. I usually don’t drink enough water, I don’t exercise consistently–pretty much the closest thing I am to athletic is the fact that I wear running leggings instead of normal ones because they’re thicker. But who says I have to stay like that?

Four weeks, a healthy habit every day. Take on the challenge with me.

Fitbit recently released a Healthy Habits challenge on their blog, focusing on four categories: stress, nutrition, sleep, and fitness. Instead of following the challenges all in order like they did, I’ve assigned myself a mix of the four for each week, starting today and ending July 21st.


  • Meditate for ten minutes
  • Add an extra vegetable to your plate
  • Wake up earlier and get a head start to the day
  • Add 1,000 steps to your daily goal
  • Go for a fifteen minute walk outside
  • Stock up on healthy snacks
  • Go to bed fifteen minutes earlier


  • Drink a cup of tea
  • Drink a glass of water before each meal
  • Avoid eating for 2 hours before bed
  • Exercise for fifteen minutes
  • Listen to music that makes you happy
  • Put your meals on a smaller plate
  • Lower the temperature before sleeping


  • Do an equal breathing exercise
  • Keep half of your plate green
  • Do yoga before bed
  • Walk/bike two miles
  • Write about your day in a journal
  • Replace candy/sugar with fruit
  • Drink 64 ounces of water


  • Take the time to socialize
  • Do 50 crunches in the morning
  • Take note of portion sizes
  • Exercise for a half hour
  • Stretch at your desk
  • Skip all screen time for one hour before bed
  • Go for a walk on your lunch break

I’ll be sharing results after each week and telling you if I succeeded, failed, liked it, disliked it, and so on. There’s enough days in this challenge that if I stay consistent, I can do this rotation again throughout the summer and finish right before I move in for college. Wish me luck!

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