Personalize It Monogram Review and Giveaway

I’m so excited to share this post with you!IMG_4712 IMG_4714 One of my new favorite trends is monogramming. You can tell this from my desk, with my May Designs planner and monogrammed notepads. When I found Cassidy on Instagram, I instantly started thinking of ways we could collaborate. She sent me these three awesome monograms in white, pink, and navy!IMG_4719 She was super helpful and quick in getting the monograms to me. They’re printed on a high-quality vinyl that sticks really easily to any surface. I chose to put my navy monogram on my jar that I keep all my washi tape in, and I was surprised at how well it stuck even to the ridged surface. I peeled off the backing and made sure to smooth it down between each ridge so it didn’t have any bubbles after I applied it.IMG_4721 IMG_4723 IMG_4726 IMG_4731

I think this looks great and I can’t wait to put my pink and white monograms on other things!

Cassidy is awesome and is doing a giveaway with me for a three inch vinyl monogram in a solid color. She has an example here of the three inch monograms. This giveaway will run until March 19th, 2015!

Enter by clicking on the Rafflecopter link below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you order anything from Cassidy’s shop, use the code CAMERA for 15% off your order! This code expires April 1st.

Good luck and thanks for reading!

fixed monogram

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Home Sweet Home

Over my five day weekend this past week, I stayed inside most of the time due to the cold. That means I spent a lot of time on Pinterest, particularly following new people and boards. I spent a lot of time on my Home Sweet Home board, focusing on gorgeous bright homes with clean design.





You can follow me on Pinterest here! Leave a comment with a link to your Pinterest and I’d love to follow you.

Thanks for reading!
navy monogram

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Why This Blog Exists

This is my fourth attempt at a blog.

And I put it off, I swear. I declared that I had no time, that I wasn’t a good enough writer, but most importantly that I didn’t know what to write about. But then Carly of The College Prepster, one of my favorite bloggers ever, posted a list of 50 Ideas for Blog Posts and I couldn’t say no.

Without further ado… hi, my name is Hannah, and I look like this.

#50 on Carly’s list says to tell the story of why you started your blog and I figured this would be the perfect introduction post. I’m a high school senior and recently I started a daily series on my Instagram (@hannah_withacamera) called #theseniorchronicles and I’m currently 60 days in. I’m actually super impressed with myself that I’ve kept it up for this long. This blog is partly for myself, to look back on, and partly because I look up to bloggers like Carly and every other one that I have an email subscription to (I think I’m at 40+ and the number grows daily).

This blog is hopefully going to be a great creative outlet for me, both in writing and in photography, and I aim to post at least one article each week. I want this blog not to be a hassle that I feel like I have to post on, but something that I look forward to writing, something that sparks a constant interest in me to stay creative and keep making inspiring things, both for me and for others.

Wish me luck.

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