There is nothing I love more than Inbox by Gmail.
This app/website has become a lifesaver for me. I used to be drowning in emails, mainly promotions and etc, and when I would get an important email it’d be lost instantly.
Inbox by Gmail organizes your emails into bundles. I have a folders called Finances, Updates, Promotions, and Travel that are automatically sorted for me. I also have the ability to bundle emails myself. For example, I have a folder for any email from the University of Kansas. Any time I receive an email from admissions or another department, I click the option to bundle it into the KU folder and any future email from that sender will be automatically sorted. I also have a blogging folder for emails from Smart Girls Group and Her Campus Blogger Network.
Emails that aren’t bundled get sent to the main page of my inbox, which makes it easy to see the important things! The attached documents are also displayed as a small image. When I get my work calendar in an Excel spreadsheet, I can click on the attachment without even opening my email.
Inbox works kind of like a to-do list format. When I’m finished reading an email, I can either delete it or click the check mark to signify that I’m ‘done’ with the email, clearing it from my sight. Don’t worry-you can still see it later! All you have to do is search who the email is from.
Along with the done feature, there’s also an option to ‘pin’ the email. If it’s something you think you might forget but know it’s important, you can click the ‘pin’ button to bring it straight to the front of your inbox. You can also snooze an email. This gives you the option to set a date and time for your email to reappear and give you a reminder to read your email and reply. I don’t use this feature often, but it’s super helpful for when I do!
Currently the only way to get Inbox is to send an email to Google requesting an invite. However, since I already have Inbox, I have the ability to send invites to others! If this sounds like something you’d like to try out, just let me know by commenting below with your email. I’d love to show you how cool it is!
Thanks for reading!