While I was researching people to interview for this series, Shannon from Prep Avenue was one of the first people I thought of! Her Instagram is always so bright and colorful. She’s one of those bloggers that has created a ‘look’ for herself and the pops of color and pink is always what comes to mind when I think of her. (Plus, she’s adorable. Come on.)
What do you take your photos with?
Honestly it depends where I am and what I’m taking a picture of! If I have my camera with me then I’ll probably take the picture with my camera (I have a Canon Rebel T3i); however, if I’m just out and about then I just use my iPhone!
I love how bright and colorful your photos are! How do you edit them?
Thanks! Most of the time I just use Photoshop on my computer and enhance the brightness.
What’s your favorite thing about Instagram as a blogger?
My favorite thing about Instagram as a blogger is probably the inspiration it provides. I randomly stumble upon a Instagram account that I become obsessed with and I love to see others perspectives on life! I also love seeing what people are doing on a day to day basis. It’s a great way to stay connected with so many people through fun pictures!

What do you center your photos around?
Honestly, nothing too specific! I try to stick to bright colors, pinks, yellows, oranges, and of course lots of navy.
What three words would you use to describe your style on Instagram?
Ooo that’s a hard one! Probably bright, whimsical, and preppy!
Who are three people on Instagram that you admire?
I’m obsessed with Notes_from_Monroe, Mackenzie Horan, and ParisInFourMonths.

Where do you find your inspiration to take photos?
Everywhere! I find a lot of inspiration from other Instagram accounts, Pinterest, and just life in general! Going to new cities and exploring new places also always brings me a ton of inspiration! And the moment I walk into a Kate Spade store, I always feel overly inspired with their bright and bold colors.
How long do you usually take to set up a photo?
This also depends on where I am. But probably no longer than 5-10 minutes! Sometimes it’s frustrating because I can’t find the right lighting but once I do it’s a super fast process!
Would you say you stick to a certain color scheme for your photos?
I try too. Although sometimes I take a picture that doesn’t exactly fit into the color scheme but it’s just way too cute not to post! My most popular colors are definitely navy and hot pink though.
Square crop or full size, and why?
Square crop all the way! The worst feeling in the world is when you take an amazing photo and then you crop it down into a square and you can’t fit it all! It’s so much easier if you just start out with square crop.
Thanks for reading! Go follow Shannon on her Instagram and read her blog!