life update vol. 5

Hello and happy March! I wish I could say happy spring, but it truly doesn’t feel like spring in Kansas City. I think the Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes summed it up the best…I am sick of the snow!

Also, just had to share this part of an email from my granddad after my running post last week. My granddad used to run all the time (multiple marathons, including Boston!) and his fueling advice made me laugh. Totally sound, but I don’t think you would catch a lot of runners drinking soda on the course these days!

Interesting read on your half-marathon training and hydration. For what it’s worth, I always took a 20 oz. bottle in a holder I strapped around my waist with me. I filled it with half Pepsi and half water. The caffeine and sugar in the Pepsi seemed to help my energy level. If you prefer Gatorade, you might try mixing it half and half, or even weaker, since you had some problems with it full strength. 

I made this illustration last week of one of our football players. I’ve never done anything like this before but it was really fun trying out a new technique. I want to work on more digital (and paper!) illustrations in the future.

I was pretty sick last week – just a normal head cold, but still the worst. My mom suggested I take this elderberry syrup (also comes in gummies!). It’s a natural remedy and I took the ‘intensive routine,’ 4 doses of 10ml per day, while I was sick. I think it definitely shortened the amount of time I was sick for. I’m continuing to take the gummies once a day while it’s still cold season and I really think it’s helping.

I love Topo Chico with a twist of lime but cannot find it ANYWHERE in Kansas City or Lawrence except for Chipotle. Anyone have advice???

Loving Lately


The Bachelor

Obviously!! I just finished the iconic ‘fence jumping’ episode with my roommates. The Bachelor at its core is honestly terrible, but it’s so entertaining to watch with friends.

Isn’t It Romantic

I watched this movie last week with a few of my roommates. I haven’t laughed so much at a movie in a long while. Rebel Wilson is hilarious and I loved hearing Liam Hemsworth in his real accent. Highly recommend.



Cara cara oranges 

More people should know about these!! They were on sale at Aldi last week and I snagged a bag of 7 for 2.50. They’re sweeter, a little like a blood orange, and the best snack. I have a huge sweet tooth and always feel like I have to have something sweet after a meal for dessert and this makes a good, healthier substitute for dessert. (Although I still end up eating dessert afterward, don’t be fooled!)

Cinnamon roll pull-apart bread 

This was a total kitchen experiment for me. I took pre-made biscuit dough and laid each biscuit out with the edges slightly overlapping, then flattened them as much as I could. I then made the cinnamon mixture (1 tbsp cinnamon, 1/2 cup brown sugar and 4 tbsp melted butter) and spooned it out over the top.

You’ll end up with lots of extra liquid after spooning it out and spreading it across the biscuits – save it for later. Then roll them all together into one big roll, then cut it into slices like you would with a normal cinnamon roll. After laying them out in the pan, pour the extra liquid on top. Bake according to the biscuit instructions on the package. These were so good and definitely a treat.

I found this recipe that seems similar and made it yesterday. It’s more like monkey bread, but takes a little more time than the above recipe. I used brown sugar instead of white sugar for a richer flavor and I think that made it much better.


More Outdoor Voices pieces! If you haven’t seen it already, check out my blog post from last week about the pieces that I own. I’m very curious about the OV Hoka Cliftons, because my main workout is running. I can’t justify that purchase right now though while I have perfectly good running shoes, so this might be my next pair after I wear my current pair out. However, I’ve read that they’re heavier and I love how lightweight my current running shoes are, so I’m not sure. If you’ve tried the Hoka Cliftons let me know!

xo, Hannah

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