almost finished | life update vol. 2

It’s been a hot minute.

I have been stressed, to put it in the slightest. This semester is kicking my butt and I’m glad it’s almost finished.

In spite of that though, I’m trying to find the positives: lovely roommates who feel bad for me when I come in the room at 3am (I even broke my record last night and hit 4:30…not a record I ever wanted to break) instead of being annoyed for waking them up (or at least they’re not telling me 😉 ), an amazing job that fuels me more creatively than my schoolwork ever does and a fantastic professor that keeps me motivated to pursue a career in sports.


My favorite heels that I wore all last summer are on sale! I’d get them in your size now if you can. They’re the perfect classic cognac shade and the silhouette is timeless. Block heels are still trendy and I love the look.

Yellow Old Navy Dress | Hannah With a Camera

I’m also loving the look of these platform espadrilles by Universal Thread at Target. The Universal Thread brand has the same look and style as Madewell, but at a way better price point. I haven’t had time to go and try things on but I love the casual feel of the brand.


Ever since running my half marathon, I’ve had just about zero time to work out. I’ve found that running is the easiest form of working out because I can simply lace up my shoes and head out the door instead of dedicating time to the gym. I ran a 5K on Sunday a week after the race. It was on my campus and was another rainy and cold day, which I’ve found I don’t really mind running in! The course was fairly hilly though and the tendons on the top of my feet didn’t feel great afterward, so I’ve decided to take a little rest before hopping right back into running.

I need to be consistent and work my way up in mileage so I don’t overtrain and hurt myself. I really want to add more crosstraining into my routine. I loved the weight-lifting class I took last semester and how it made me feel, so I’d like to continue that. I also want to establish a routine now so I can keep up with it over the summer.

Summer plans

I’m excited to say that I finally know what I’m doing this summer! I’ll be working as a marketing intern at a sports architecture firm in downtown Kansas City, on the Plaza. I just found this out last weekend. Because I’ll be dressed nice, I think I’ll try to take daily outfit photos (if I remember).

I’ll also be working as a photo intern on gamedays with Sporting KC, my favorite soccer team. I’m very excited to get a look at how professional sports operate compared to collegiate athletics. Before school starts, I’ll go back to KU in Lawrence to work two weeks of fall camp as well.

Reflecting on this semester

Other than working, I’ll be spending a lot of time with my family before I move back to Lawrence for my senior year. I’m living in a house with five of my friends next year and I’m super excited to decorate my own space. I’m mainly excited to have my own room! I think this will be the most fun year yet because I get to live with my closest friends.

Freshman year I lived with three other girls in a large suite and that was a good way to transition to having roommates. Sophomore and junior year, I lived in a very small room with three other girls and I’m so glad I lived in both years.

If you have the opportunity to live in your sorority house, do it! It’s such a unique experience – when else will you live with 90 other girls at one time? My roommates and I are at the point where we’re getting somewhat sentimental about leaving that space and not seeing each other’s faces every night before going to bed.


If you made it this far, congrats! I love writing these kinds of posts and reading ones written by other people.

What’s going on in your life?

xo, Hannah

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